Monday, December 27, 2010

Blizzard 2010!

What a fantastic storm this was; classic meteorology textbook storm. I would have LOVED to have had a map discussion with my fellow Kean mets and Zois! Alright, granted most of you though this would have been 'worse' then it actually was. Well, to those people, not all of us have 4-wheel drive SUV's to trek out in the storm. 
The snow was a drier snow. Not like the wet snow that fell earlier this year. I don't exactly know what kind of snow is worse; the heavy wet stuff that breaks your back to shovel, or the dusty light powder that drifts feet of snow in the wind! Winds out of the North (where some of our coldest temperatures are from) helped to dry out the air. If any of you went outside last night to play in the white stuff, could feel how cold it was; you couldn't breath! Aside from exerting myself before daybreak shoveling the snow (to get myself to work) I just could not breath! Not only were the 30 mph chilling wind gusts taking my breath away, but the air was so dry! Looking at the surface observations from Trenton Mercer Airport, the temperatures were in the middle to lower 20s, and the dewpoints (essentially the moisture in the air) were in the teens and falling through the day. 
Remember: when outside shoveling or playing with the kids, go inside and hydrate frequently. All this dry air is sucking all the moisture out of the body leaving you quite dehydrated. Earlier today as well as the evening comes closer, wind chills will become colder. This morning, wind chills were measured in the single digits across New Jersey!

This storm was something not to be messed with. It was indeed a strong storm as it intensified through the afternoon and evening hours Sunday. In just about 24 hours, the low pressure system dropped just about 20 mb of pressure as it hugged the Eastern seaboard on its Northeastward trek. The storm deepened and shifted westward a little more then what was expected. The low pressure area just coiled up like a snake creating such a strong pressure gradient that has been causing the 45 mph plus wind gusts. 
Heavy bands of snow crossed the area dropping just about 2 inches of snow per hour in various locations. This storm left very impressive snow accumulation totals. Generally, a foot of snow was the average amount in most locations across New Jersey. Northeastern counties in New Jersey surely felt the brunt of the snow.
It is incredible to see such high snow accumulations from an area that is so densely populated.
The following are snow accumulations recorded from the National Weather Service:

Lincoln Park, NJ: 29.0"
Elizabeth, NJ: 31.8"
Harrison, NJ: 24.5"
Chesequake, NJ: 23.2"
Newark Airport: 20.0"
Atlantic City: 19.0"
Cape May, NJ: 18.0"
Soundview Park Homes, Bronx County, NY: 22.5"
Central Park, NYC: 20.0" (just six inches shy of the record in 2/2006 of 26.9" from a single storm)
Philadelphia Airport: 12.4"

Portions of the New Jersey coast received snow accumulations near 25 inches. Locally there were heavier amounts. Snow drifts were especially near the coast up to 5 feet! What can you do with 5 feet of a snow drift?! Make an igloo! Gusting winds 45 to 50 mph made for blizzard conditions all through the state and visibilities near zero. This storm is still over yet. It will and has been moving along the Eastern coast exploding snow fury too all in its path. By Tuesday afternoon it should be out to sea. High pressure will build in and the winds will begin to diminish. Temperatures will be on the rebound through the week; the middle 30s as daytime highs falling to the 20s by the evening. Towards the end of the week, we will have a warm-up! What a way to start off the New Year then with sunny skies and temperatures in the 40s; where they should be for New Jersey!

This storm was unbelievable. Well, not completely. It's Mother Nature. Such a beautiful thing.

I must say, my favorite moment during this whole event was just standing in the middle of the street last night with my puppy just 'being.' Standing still and not hearing a sound but the snow falling and the wind blowing. The snow and ice crystals were glistening in the street lights. It was such a beautiful sight.

Be safe driving and have fun in the snow! To all skiers and snowboarders; fresh powder yeahhh!
Have fun!

~ V.S.

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