Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter 2011 Record Warmth

Just as we were all becoming used to this lovely taste of Spring, it will all come to an end during the holiday weekend. Before I put a damper on this weather, I must mention Friday's warmth tied and broke record high temperatures! After the clouds burned off, the sun came out, the southerly flow picked up and temperatures soared through the afternoon. Across the area, temperatures generally in the middle and upper 60s.
The following are just a few of the records (in degrees F) :
Trenton, NJ: 72
Atlantic City, NJ: 73
Dover, DE: 72
Philadelphia, PA: 69
Allentown, PA: 67
Max Temperatures 2/18/2011 Courtesy of NWS/NOAA
These are just a few which are rather impressive considering it is the middle February.
Just as the weather was becoming great, a major change in the forecast is ahead that will bring us back to reality to remind us that it is still...Winter (::gasping!::)
A strong cold front will pass through Friday evening through Saturday. The front will cross rather dry so little is any, precipitation will result. The main 'issue' from this front is the resulting strong CAA (cold air advection) that will bring colder temperatures, some 25 degrees below from what temperatures were Friday, and pretty gusting winds. In fact, a High Wind Warning and a Red Flag Warning is in effect through Saturday. Winds could gust as high as 60mph! This will make for wind chills near freezing and the possibility for down trees and power lines.
The high winds should push out of the area through Saturday evening. An area of low pressure will slide in Sunday evening from the West through Monday. The forecast gets a little tricky as temperatures Sunday evening will be flirting with the freezing mark. The precipitation that will result could be a wintry mix in the evening and early morning Monday then changing over to rain thereafter...Oh to see snow fall after a taste of Spring :-)
Very cold temperatures next week will remind us that Spring is still a few weeks away. After the low moves out, breezy chilling temperatures will follow early week. I'm talking abut high temperatures in the middle 30s (feeling like the 20s/teens) Tuesday before falling to the teens towards the evening.

Time to bring out the Winter coats yet again...

~ V.S.

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