Monday, February 14, 2011

Another Treat!

If you thought our Valentine's Day forecast was a treat, wait until later this week!
Aside from the rather impressive winds today; gusting near 40 mph, it was quite a lovely day! Sunny skies and air temperatures flirting with the 60s! Although the mercury read near 60 degrees F, the winds made it feel a bit chillier. On topic for Monday evening...clouds could start to increase through the evening as an approaching cold front moves through from the West. Little precipitation in form of rain/snow showers could fall, if any. The precipitation is expected to evaporate before it reaches the eastern side of the mountains, as the cold front and showers reach a drier air mass over the Tri-State. With that said, the dewpoints are falling along with continued strong wind gusts through Monday evening, will make for rather downright cold temperatures approaching Tuesday morning. Temperatures will plummet to the twenties by sunrise with wind chills in the teens. The winds should die down through Tuesday. Strong Cold Air Advection (CAA) will allow temperatures to only reach to a cold mid-30s as daytime highs before falling back into the icebox Tuesday evening.
Max Temperatures for Thursday 2/17 Courtesy of HPC/NOAA

Max Temperatures Friday 2/18 Courtesy of HPC/NOAA
The picture changes Wednesday as temperatures will be on the rebound for the rest of the week. Just take a look above; these images just say it all! High pressure builds in bringing us not only mostly sunny skies but above average temperatures! South westerly winds will bring temperatures near 50 degrees F Wednesday and possibly reaching 60s towards Friday!
Talk about Spring fever! This time it should actually feel warm without the influence of blustery wind chills like Monday.
Look forward to tee-shirts and no jackets for the next few days! Just be prepared to falling evening temperatures (lows in the 40s). Next change in the forecast towards the end of the weekend...
But for now, Enjoy!

~ V.S.

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