Saturday, February 12, 2011

Spring Tease

Perhaps Punxsutawney Phil was right to predict an early arrival of Spring. Well, it sure will feel like it this week to come! Although I am a skeptic of Phil's forecast, I am going to welcome this unseasonable warmth with open arms! It has been downright cold this Winter. A little taste of Spring fever could do just the trick to help get us out of our Winter slump.

We will be on the rather warm side of things this week. Hopefully it will start to thaw things out around here! I must say; personally, I want all of this snow out of here. It has been around since last year and is not looking too nice anymore. As my favorite Bronx, NY News 12 team would call it: 'snirt.' Otherwise know as snow mixed with dirt. I am ready for this snow pack to melt and for another one to come...Let's see if Mother Nature can wring out another 15 incher storm for us again at least one more time!

Although this week will be rather quiet, The weather pattern for February is still strength in the systems that prevail. And this will bring us back to reality to remind us that again, it is still Winter, despite the Groundhog's Day forecast. Saturday, many people were surprised to see scattered snow flurries. It was a but humorous to see people jump to the assumption that we were going to get hit by another winter storm. Not the case. Instead, there was a short wave that passed through that allowed temperatures to fall low enough near the surface (ground level) to allow for snow flurries to fall, or as the National Weather Service put it: a 'stability surge' allowed for snow flurries to be triggered off. Evaporative cooling (which helped the flurry formation) and the general wind assisted to trigger near 40 mph gusting winds. Those gusting winds take down the air temperature a few degrees to make it feel like the lower 40s- upper 30s (also known as the wind chill). Much of the case will be for Sunday; mostly sunny skies, breezy conditions, scattered snow showers, and temperatures in the 40s. The only difference Sunday is that wind shifts; Warm Air Advection (WAA) will allow a few more clouds as well as temperatures to be on the warmer side Sunday and especially through Monday. This WAA will allow for any falling flurries to fall as rain. But again, this is slight and could/will be early on. 
Increasing clouds Sunday evening will be caused by a cold front. Rain/snow mix could fall. Not to worry though. This will not be an "EVENT" to really discuss. It is just scattered showers, if that but precaution never hurts. Some locations could have temperatures fall below freezing, so a freezing precipitation could fall. Little to no accumulations is expected. This is just a clipper; fast moving cold front, that will last late Sunday through early Monday. All should move out early Monday allowing for warmer air to settle in. The only thing to really speak of is the wind. With the cold front passage in the morning, some pretty strong winds are possible to prevail. Even though air temperatures will be flirting with the 50s, the wind chills will knock down the temperatures (that we feel) a bit into the 40s. 

The rest of the week looks to be rather uneventful well, at least to the weather weenies. Nothing but a dominating high pressure and slightly above average temperatures. Next shot of something: this weekend? 
I suppose this is a nice little reprieve considering the weather we have had up to now...

Most importantly:
For all of the lovers (and haters) on St.Valentine's, cupid certainly shot (or will shoot) a loving arrow at Mother Nature as she will shower us with sunny skies and mild(er) temperatures Monday. Joy! :)

~ V.S. <3

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