Saturday, January 22, 2011

Back in the Ice Box!

Just when we all thought it could not get cold enough, we find ourselves back in the freezer. Old Man Winter just can not seem to get enough of us and just wants to linger. Clearly he never memo; we all would like you to leave now!
It is just down right cold out there! Thinking about it, I don't know what is worse; a snow stormy mess or the dangerously bitter cold? Try to remember back to this past Summer. We had a relatively variable Summer in terms of precipitation. Temperature wise, we experienced heat wave after heat wave. Talk about an extreme of temperatures during the past few seasons. Fall was a little on the below average (at least towards the end of the season) as far as temperatures. Then comes the Winter. The La Nina forecast for the Mid-Atlantic states at least, for this Winter was pretty much on target when forecasting general temperatures. Aside for maybe the dozen days or so where it has felt rather mild, it has been cold, cold, cold! And I might add, it has been awfully snowy considering. I, much like many, many others, are SO done with all this snow already!
This weekend through the beginning of the week, temperatures are going to be the coldest temperatures of the season yet!
We Mid-Atlantic Staters cry over the twenties and teens. Let me tell you; this is nothing compared to the below zero temperatures felt in the Northern Plains! International Falls, MN experienced -46 degrees F (air temperature my friends). And that is the fourth lowest temperature on record for that location (the record low is -60 degrees F in 1996)! My good friend, who is a fellow Meteorologist (who is still a NY boy at heart, and now resides in the bitter tundra of Minnesota) posted this video the other day on Facebook...

                                                    Meteorologist Steve Sosna of KAAL-TV

Arctic High will settle in place over the NJ and New England through the weekend with the dangerously cold temperatures settling in Monday. Through New Jersey, high temperatures will be stretching to get up to the middle 20s. Add a wind chill and it will feel like the teens! Higher elevations, like the Poconos, will have temperatures in teens and flirting with the single digits as DAYTIME HIGHS! It hurts to mention the below zero evening temperatures (not even including the wind chills!). This Winter is looking to tie Winter 1994 with how cold it has been! And it is not only here in the Tri-State that is feeling it. The Arctic air is dipping into the South (this weekend and has been all season). When at the grocery store, pay attention to the produce isles. Not only have prices gone up a bit, but there is a lack of and quality of the produce (that is from the Southern states that is). Not only have the freezing temperatures, yes, Georgia and Florida have been flirting with the freezing mark, but they are in a drought (these parts are under a Hard Freeze Warning through the evening)! La Nina has kept most of the rain and storms to the North, leaving the South with virtually nothing in terms of precipitation.
All this cold weather talk is giving me a hankerin' for a cup of hot cocoa and a snuggle with my honey by the fireplace!

Now, it is very important to take proper precautions when out in the cold elements. Especially all of you heading to the slopes this weekend. One, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! In these extreme temperatures, unlike the Summer, you sweat and become dehydrated. In the Winter, the air is so dry that all moisture is evaporated from your body (along with the fact that when you breath, water vapor is expelled making you need water even more). The scary thing is that you need a sip or two of water, and you may not even feel thirsty!
Second, keep in mind frostbite. It is not something to take lightly. Especially in such extreme cold temperatures. Frostbite is literally frozen body tissue. Cover any exposed skin when outside for an extended amount of time. This especially includes all the fans attending the NFL Playoff games. Just five minutes when not properly covered can start the damages of frostbite.

After the Arctic blast another potentially potent winter storm will be in the works!

Keep Warm!

~ V.S.

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