Thursday, November 11, 2010

Will Update Soon...

Hello All,
This week is crunch time my friends! I have been slacking on my weather posts as of late. my apologies. I will be back (back) on track as of this Saturday. See, I am taking the Praxis (II) exam this weekend and studying has literally been taking up all of my spare time, or what other free time I have outside of work.
I will leave you with the following:

1.) I know some of my fellow (tv) mets. have already made their winter weather forecasts. I will say that I have been looking into this and I am currently working out my forecast. Plus, honestly, it is just too early to forecast for a season that is still a little way out.

2.) Until my next post, I can promise you that the weather in the Tri-State will be quite lovely. That means this will be perfect weather to take advantage of! Sunny skies and temps flirting with the 60s falling to the 40s in the evening.

Enjoy the gorgeous weather and wish me luck!


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