Friday, March 25, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

Occurring on Saturday, March 26th, an event called Earth Hour will take place at 8:30 p.m. local time. Earth Hour is an event where hundreds of millions of people around the world join together to take action on climate change. This is done by performing one very simple action — turning off our lights for one hour. Earth Hour provides a way for all of us to join together to have a positive impact in the fight to protect our future from the impacts of climate change.

Earth Hour first began in Sydney, Australia, and quickly grew into a worldwide occurrence. In 2008, 50 million individuals, 371 cities in 35 countries participated. In 2009, nearly one billion people participated along with 4,000 cities and 88 countries.

But Earth Hour isn’t just for big cities — anyone can participate.

Make the commitment and turn off all your lights for just one hour. We hope that during this hour it will help save energy, spread awareness, and allow time to think about things you can do in your daily life that will benefit this planet. There is only one Earth, so we must do what we can to help save it. Our actions add up; Earth Hour is a first step!

It is only an hour...

Join the movement to help save our climate, raise awareness and to honor Mother Earth...just take a look around at what she has given us.

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